Saturday, January 30, 2010

baby G

Here is my favorite photo of baby G.  I took what seemed like a billion and thought that even though the lighting was bad (I mean really bad, like no windows, only florescent lights, bad) that maybe I would end of with a couple that I really liked.  She is such a cutie and had a huge grin so hopefully I will make it back with a few more edited pics later on.  I can't seem to stop messing with the white balance and sharpening.  I think I will go search out a good defog action to download because I had the ISO up so high to compensate for the bad lights they all look a little grainy to me.
Can you see the grain?  I guess I can pretend it was on purpose but I think I will just have to wait until next time  to try again.  Hopefully, in a few weeks I will get that chance with some natural light.
Oh, and did I already say she was in her jammies?  Well, she was in her jammies.  Nothing like a great outfit to say snapshot over a professional shot.  Her grandma said we can try her in one of those adorable tutu like skirts next time.  I can't wait!

About Me

I am a working mom, wife, and avid crafter. I love photography and scrapbooking not just because well, let's face it, they go hand in hand but because I consider them both to be artistic. They let you develop your own style, express yourself, document life all around you and so much more.

About This Blog

This blog is mostly made up of photos of my family especially my son as we go through our daily lives. My goal is to improve my photography as I capture all those little moments in time. I am striving to complete Project 365 in 2010 where you take a picture a day. My hope is that this will help me learn everything I can about my camera as I get daily practice. My purpose for this blog is to document my path over the next year through photography.

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